Welcome to the Reed's Life Blog! This is all about the life of Faith and Brian Reed. This will be written mainly by Faith (me) though Brian might do some proofreading and is free to post things as well. Stranger things have happened. I'm not sure if this will be something I keep up with on a regular basis but hopefully I'll be able to at least post about major events in our lives. I'm sure my family will appreciate it as I don't get to see them very often and it will be a good place to post photos and save other memories. A blog is better than Facebook because I can post whatever I want more often without worrying that I am muddying up someone's wall. I mean, sure they could always block me, but I feel like this is a place I can post things and people who actually care will come and check it out. Does that mean I don't care about half the things that are posted on my Facebook wall? Yes. But the other half I love which is why I will never delete my account (unlike Brian).
As of today, Brian and I live in a 652 square foot one bedroom apartment. I have been living here since June 2007. Brian moved in a couple of months before we were married in November 2010. Check out a tour of our apartment! I filmed this for fun and also because it's always good to remember how life used to be.
In July 2014 our final lease on the apartment will come to an end and Brian and I will hopefully be settled into our forever home. Although house hunting is still months away, we have been doing our research and we've had many conversations about what we want in a home. Building is out of the question (in my opinion) because it would be more expensive and all of the decisions that go into building a house would drive me crazy. Also I have never owned a home before so it's possible we could spend a lot of time and energy planning the house and then in the end regret how it turns out. Brian, on the other hand, has always been interested in building because we could customize our home exactly the way we want. Also I think living in a house no one else has lived in before appeals to him. These are both valid points but I still think it would be more trouble than it's worth. If we have a hard time finding the ideal house however my opinions could change, though we would probably be on a time crunch.
We have been checking out Parade of Homes the last few years with Brian's parents and though they are beautiful homes and it's fun to find decor inspiration, most of them are far outside our price range and sometimes leads to coveting things we don't need. The list of things we do want seems reasonable to us, though it could be difficult to find a house we don't have to compromise on with at least one thing. More about the house hunt in another post, for now I want to end my first post with a "Thank You!" for checking out our blog and a big "Hello!" to family and friends. ♥
p.s. Feel free to leave comments or suggestions! Also if you are terribly against having a photo of yourself on my blog, I'll try to keep that in mind when taking/posting pics. I don't foresee anyone besides family and friends reading this blog so you should probably be safeish.